UI Actions example
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On this page, we will discuss the various ways to use UI actions.
While running this method, it uses the database configuration details mentioned on the configuration page to establish the connection string.
If we want to run this query using the default configuration, we only need to provide the query in the value section
There can be another case where we need to execute a query for a different database on the same server. In that case, we need to add an additional key, 'database,' and provide the name of the database
The primary purpose of this method is to store the value in a variable, which can then be used throughout the entire test script.
This method always captures the value just above the step. For example, if we need to retrieve an element's text, we first need to provide a variable name. This variable can then be used with the Session alias throughout the entire test script.
Generally, in test scripts, we store multiple data points in multiple variables. For example, a test script may require a random name, address, phone number, etc. Such scenarios can also be handled using the same method. In this case, the key variableName
is not required; instead, multiple keys can be added, which are treated as variable names, and their values can be dynamic.