Connect with local mobile
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Last updated
Using QAautoMATER, you can connect to your local devices to run test scripts. There are some prerequisites for running test scripts on local devices.
Prerequisite: Node.js and JDK should be installed on the system. You can check if they are installed correctly by using the following commands: node -v
and java -version
if it is not installed then installed from given below link
Android SDK (for Windows Machine)
Visit the official Android Developer website: Android Studio.
Click on the "Download Android Studio" button.
Follow the installation instructions for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
During the installation, make sure to select "Android SDK" as one of the components to be installed.
Please Note : Make sure Platform-tool folder is present is in Android Studio folder (C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio) , if not then download from the and paste it into Android studio folder
Please Note : Make sure apksigner.jar file exist under platform-tools folder if not then download from the link and paste it under platform-tools folder
After installing the Android SDK, Create new environment variable ANDROID_HOME and set path C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\platform-tools
Xcode (iOS device) - Download and install Xcode from the Mac App Store. Xcode provides the iOS SDK and necessary tools for iOS development and testing
For downnloading appium run the following command
npm i -g appium
To start Appium after it has been installed, open a terminal window and execute the following command:
Windows Machine
iOS Machine
for downloading localtunnel run the following command
npm install -g localtunnel
Please note
For connecting a real device, USB debugging should be enabled on the real device
After completing the setup, please follow the steps given below
Step 1
Run the command to retrieve the device ID. Take note of this device ID and add it to the Configuration page under the 'ADD DEVICE (ONLY FOR SERVER & CLIENT EXECUTION)' section.
Step 2
Run the command appium
from the command line; by default, it will open on port 4723.
Step 3 (Tunnel )
Open a new command and run lt --port 4723
. After executing this command, it will expose port 4723 publicly. Note down the URL and add the URL to the 'Host Name (Applicable for Client)' column with 'https,' removing the trailing '/.'"
For other public tuunel , you can follow given below link.
Step 4
Provide the local path of your APK and IPA files in the 'APK/IPA Path (Applicable for Client)' column if required, and then save the information.
Step 5
Open the URL provided by the command lt --port 4723 in your browser.
Step 6
Provide the tunnel password. You can obtain the tunnel password by clicking on the link: and then click the submit button.
Step 7
Navigate to the Mobile Test Script page, and select the platform and device according to the added device
Step 8
Click on the debugger window; the app will launch on the local system.