This is the QAautoMATER release page where you can find information about new features and bug fixes corresponding to this release
UI (1.1.26) & Api (1.3.32) - (10 Feb 2025)
Oracle Query
Resolved Converting circular structure to JSON issue after executing Oracle query
Mobile Automation
We have implemented UI enhancements to improve the user experience. Previously, deleting a step, adding a new step, or adding utility data required additional time because selecting the test step was mandatory.
Feature and Enhancemenet
UI (1.1.25) & Api (1.3.31) - (09 Feb 2025)
Feature and Enhancemenet
Manual Dashboard Page
On the Manual Dashboard page, we have enabled the selection of multiple sprints. This feature provides combined reports for all selected sprints, helping us retrieve comprehensive data for any epic that has been worked on across more than 1 sprints.
Web,Mobile and API
We have enabled manual test case mapping from the Web, Mobile, and API automation test scripts page. This feature helps when integrated with the execution page, providing detailed insights into total manual test case coverage.
Web Automation
We have implemented UI enhancements to improve the user experience. Previously, deleting a step, adding a new step, or adding utility data required additional time because selecting the test step was mandatory.
UI (1.1.24) & Api (1.3.30) - (04 Feb 2025)
Test Script and Custom Function page
We hWe have added a copy-paste feature at the test step level on the Test Script and Custom Function pages. This feature helps reduce time when the same steps are used with different values.
Manual Test Plan Page
On the Test Plan page, the Custom Test Execution column will be displayed before the Test Case Custom column.
Bug Fixes
Session variable data saved as a number is being sent as a string during API calls
When steps gets modiled in test scripts and custom function page then nearest steps gets dupliacted sometimes (intermittent issue)
UI (1.1.23) & Api (1.3.29) - (03 Feb 2025)
Manual Test Case Page (Export)
The Export Test Case functionality has been improved. Now, test cases will be exported based on selected components and applied filters. If a specific component is selected, only the test cases belonging to that component will be exported. Additionally, if any filters are applied, only the filtered test cases will be included in the export.
Manual Testing (Test Id Filter)
A numeric filter has been introduced across all pages for Test id column on manual testing pages. Previously, only a text filter was available, allowing filtering based on text containment. The numeric filter provides additional capabilities, enabling filtering based on greater than ( > ), equal to ( = ), and not equal to ( โ ) operations, allowing more precise test case filtering.
Manual Test Case Page & Configuration(Rename)
When a test case title is updated from the test case window or from the Configuration page, the test case name will automatically be updated in the associated test suite. However, this automatic update will not apply to any existing test plans.
Manual Test Case Page/Configuration (Delete)
When a test case is deleted from the test case dialog window or from the Configuration page, it will automatically be removed from the associated test suite. However, this automatic deletion will not apply to any existing test plans.
Manual Configuration (Move)
When test cases are moved to a different component, the changes will also be reflected in the associated test suite. However, this automatic update will not apply to any existing test plans.
Jira Logging
Bug Fixes
When a child component is deleted from the configuration page, its parent component is also removed from the placeholder. However, on the server side, test cases still exist for the parent component, but they are not displayed in the UI, creating a false impression that the parent component has been deleted.
UI (1.1.22) & Api (1.3.28) - (25 Jan 2025)
On the Web and Mobile Custom Function page, we have added a Dependency Scan feature. This feature identifies a particular function's dependencies across the entire project. For example, it shows how many test scripts and custom functions are using the method, as well as the number of times it is called at the script or function level
UI (1.1.21) & Api (1.3.27) - (16 Jan 2025)
Bug Fixes
In the Test Plan test execution page, if the test plan name exceeds 30 characters, the exported file does not download.
When the component name contains the characters [
or ]
, test cases are not displayed after selecting the component on the test case page, and the same component name is not displayed on the test suite page.
In On the manual test case page, we have extended the pagination value. Previously, the maximum pagination displayed 50 results; now, it has been updated to show a maximum of 1000 results.
UI (1.1.20) & Api (1.3.26) - (14 Jan 2025)
Manual Test Execution
Custom fields for test execution can be added from the configuration Custom fields defined for manual test cases can also be visible in the Manual Test Suite page in a readable mode. These custom fields help users to apply filter on test execution page
UI (1.1.19) & Api (1.3.25) - (12 Jan 2025)
Manual Test Plan
Custom fields for test execution can be added from the configuration paCustom fields defined for manual test cases can also be visible in the test plan and the Manual Test Suite page in a readable mode. These custom fields help users filter test executions and link test cases in the Test Suite
Bug Fixes
WWhen a component name contains special characters that are not allowed in folder names, the component name is displayed in the UI, but the folder is not created as expected. A validation message needs to be added to inform the user with an appropriate error message.
After deleting the component from the configuration page, all the test cases are deleted, but the component folder name is still displayed on the backend.
UI (1.1.18) & Api (1.3.24) - (02 Jan 2025)
Manual Test Plan/Test Execution
Custom fields for test execution can be added from the configuration page, which is accessible only to admin users. These custom fields will automatically appear in the Test Execution column and can be used as needed. Additionally, these custom fields, along with their values, will be displayed in the exported Excel file.
UI Test Script
We have added a new method, DragAndDropByJavascript
, which is used to drag an element from Location A to Location B. In this method, instead of using the native drag-and-drop method, we internally utilize the JavaScript Executor. This method was introduced because the native DragAndDrop
method was not working for certain elements.
Api (1.3.23) - (02-Jan-2025)
In the drag-by-offset method, a move action is performed on the source element. Previously, scrollIntoView
was called, but for certain specific elements, the focus was not set correctly
Api (1.3.22) - (27-Dec 2024)
A new method, DragByOffset
, has been added. This method allows draggable items to be moved based on x and y coordinates.
UI (1.1.17) & Api (1.3.21) - (22 Dec 2024)
Dashboard Page
Execution Details by Custom Fields: The dashboard now displays pass and fail status counts categorized by test case custom fields, providing detailed insights for each custom field.
Tabular Report Format: A tabular report format has been introduced, enabling users to view execution details in a structured table layout for better analysis and readability.
Bug Fixes
When the loopCounter
value is passed as an argument to the parent function, the child function does not iterate based on the loopCounter
UI (1.1.16) & Api (1.3.20) - (12 Dec 2024)
Manual Test Plan
A new feature, Tabular Reports, has been added. When accessed from the Test Plan page, it displays all execution data in a tabular format. The data can also be downloaded for further use.
Manual Test Plan
We have added a feature to delete test cases from the test execution plan. After deleting the test cases, the associated reports, along with the test cases, will also be removed from the test plan.
Test Plan
When the Expected Result, Test Step, or Step Data contains multiple lines, it was previously displayed as a single line under Test Case Details. We have updated the style to ensure it is now displayed as entered by the user, preserving the original formatting
API Execution Lab Page
When API services are down or an incorrect URL is provided, the service may fail to return any response. Previously, the Execution Lab displayed a generic error message, leaving users unsure of the exact cause of the failure. We have now implemented a user-friendly message to provide clearer insights into the issue.
Manual Test Case
We have added a provision to include the column 'Current Test Cycle' in the import Excel file so that test cases are saved in a specific sprint. If the 'Test Cycle' is not present in the Excel file and the provided sprint name is not defined on the configuration page, the default test cycle name will be used.
Bug Fixes
If the test suite name contains a hyphen (-
), the suite name is not displayed correctly on the Execution Lab page.
When the test name is passed as a session variable in Sauce Labs, the older value is still being displayed instead of the updated one.
The Execution Progress label on the Test Plan page was incorrect, showing "Fail" instead of "Pending," causing confusion.
UI (1.1.15) & Api (1.3.19) - (01-Dec-2024)
Manual Test Plan
The execution graph on Test Plan page will be automatically generated based on all custom fields defined for manual test cases on the configuration page.
Manual Test Plan
If any new test cases are added to a test suite linked to a test plan, the newly added test cases can be directly included in the test plan from the test plan page. We have introduced an Add Cases from Suite button, which becomes visible automatically when the system detects new test cases in the test suite. Upon clicking this button, only the newly added test cases that are not yet linked to the test plan will be displayed.
UI (1.1.14) & Api (1.3.18) - (21-Nov-2024)
Predefined user session variables such as Session.TestId
, Session.TestName
, Session.Environment
, Session.ExecutedBy
, and Session.Component
can now be passed in the Sauce Labs capability options.
Bug Fixes
The test data, referred to as t.DataKey
, is not being fetched during mobile execution.
After deleting all test cases from the component, the component name still appears on the test suite page.
The API Execution Lab page goes blank when an unexpected response, instead of an array or JSON response, is received from the server.
UI (1.1.12) & Api (1.3.17) - (13-Nov-2024)
Added a global wait capability for cases where the application's behavior is consistent. XPaths can be configured on the settings page. For any action, it will check if the global XPath is available; if it is, the system will wait until the specified search timeout is reached.
UI (1.1.11) & Api (1.3.16) - (13-Nov-2024)
Added the capability to fetch common test data to be used in Sauce Labs configuration. Now, the Sauce Labs username and credentials, as well as the host name, can be passed from the common test data section
Bug Fixes
After exporting the test case, if any cell has more than 32,767 characters, an exception is thrown, preventing the test case from being exported
UI (1.1.10) & Api (1.3.15) - (10-Nov-2024)
We have added a section titled 'Application Details if the Environment Has Multiple Applications,' which can be used when an environment has multiple applications. In this section, you can add details for multiple applications. These applications will be directly viewable on the Test Script and Execution Lab pages. For example, if the QA environment has three applicationsโAdmin, User, and Businessโyou can add their details in this section and upload the respective APK or IPA files. On the Execution Lab page, the environment and application details will be visible and selectable during execution. Please note : For CI/CD we can pass "applicationName" as requestbody key with application name
Added a capability key in the session variable to retrieve all capabilities passed at the device level. To access the value, we can directly call Session.Capability
We have added GlobalLoader XPath details on the configuration page based on the platform, which can be used later for handling global waits.
UI (1.1.9) & Api (1.3.14) - (27-Oct-2024)
Mobile Testing
We now have a provision to pass third-party cloud server details from the common test data using c.datakey
Environment Name
We allow numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the environment name.
UI (1.1.8) & Api (1.3.13) - (17-Oct-2024)
User Profile
In We have added pagination and filtering to the Add/Edit User Profile dialog window to enhance user interaction."
Bug Fixes:
A new user is unable to create an account in cases where the user has admin privileges for multiple accounts, and at least one of those accounts has already reached the maximum allowed number of users.
UI (1.1.7) & Api (1.3.12) - (10-Oct-2024)
In the event that the driver object traverses the nested shadow root, it gets overridden. After calling switchToDefaultContent
, the driver object will be reinitialized.
Bug Fixes:
In cases where the sprint name or component name has extra spaces, the manual test case can be successfully moved to a different component; however, it is unable to open.
Api (1.3.11) - (03-Oct-2024)
Execution Reports
AIn case the component becomes blank or null during test script execution and reports are not generated, we have now added additional code to bypass the specific test script if the component name is blank or null
Services for Execution
We have added a new request header accountLabel
for services as part of our new architectural approach.
UI (1.1.6) & Api (1.3.10) - (21-Sep-2024)
All essential data, including configuration data, user data, and common test data, will be saved in encrypted form. An additional security layer has been added specifically for defect management.
Email Attachment
We have added a 'Reason of Failure' column in the email attachment section.
UI (1.1.5) & Api (1.3.9) - (20-Sep-2024)
The default font size is set to 75% for the entire application. When the font size is increased to 100%, all content appears larger, requiring extensive scrolling.
The user license key is separated from the build, so if any additional project, space, or account-level information is needed, a new build is not requiredโonly modifications to the license key will be needed.
Admin privileges are granted to the account owner, and the respective admin user can now assign admin privileges to other users from the Add/Edit user profile.
Bug Fixes:
The email was not sent when the test script was re-executed from existing suite reports.
Api (1.3.8) - (18-Sep-2024)
SMTP Email
Attachment will added in Email
UI (1.1.4) & Api (1.3.6) - (10-Sep-2024)
Bug Fixes:
The local URL is called to add a user, which causes a mismatch in the user account
UI (1.1.3) & Api (1.3.5) - (09-Sep-2024)
New Feature
Account Label added on Login and Header section
We have added the account label to the Login and Header sections. Now, you can see the project under the account section. This feature will be applicable once you log out and log back in
Bug Fixes:
The API service for execution has a custom exception in case of failure, which causes the Azure task to continue running even after the test scripts have completed.
SMTP Relay
We have allow self signed certificate in case of Email send through SMTP relay.
UI (1.1.2) - (06-Sep-2024)
Bug Fixes:
After refreshing the Execution Lab page, the environment section for Web and Mobile becomes blank
Page Loader
The page loader and loader text will now be displayed at the center of the viewport on the webpage.
UI (1.1.1) & Api (1.3.4) - (06-Sep-2024)
New Feature
Web, Mobile & APT
Email sending provision added.
The organization with SMTP credentials enabled can now send emails to respective recipients using those credentials. SMTP details can be saved in the configuration section. We have added an email trigger option on the Execution Lab page, allowing emails to be sent. Emails can also be sent through the CI/CD pipeline. By default, the system will use SMTP information and recipient email addresses from the configuration section; however, users can override this in the API request by setting testBody['recipientEmail'] = ','
CI/CD Execution or API service for execution
We have added additional logging for executions triggered through the API service. We have also implemented an exception throw when any test script fails, so it will be marked as failed in the CI/CD pipeline.
Please note : we have added a new library, Nodemailer, for sending emails. Updating the package.json
file and installing the Nodemailer library is mandatory. This library can also be installed separately using the command npm i nodemailer
Api (1.3.3) -(03-Sep-2024)
Bug Fixes:
Large numbers exceeding 16 digits (e.g., 17254253765594216488) were being truncated to the nearest representable value (e.g., 17254253765594216000) due to JavaScript's number size limitation of 52 bits, which restricts the precision to 16 digits.
UI (1.1.0) & Api (1.3.2) - (03-Sep-2024)
New Feature
Web Test Script
ChatGPT integration added
Our solution is now integrated with ChatGPT for web script generation. Clients with a ChatGPT license can add their token for this feature. The advantage of this integration is that ChatGPTโs advanced NLP capabilities will enhance the accuracy of finding actions and objects based on the steps provided. However, there will be no changes to the automatic XPath generation; our engine will continue to operate as before. This integration focuses solely on improving NLP accuracy.
Network Meta data logging
We have added capability to capture network performance logs, which provide metadata about requests and responses, including performance-related information. If a test script requires such dataโfor example, to calculate the time taken for a particular activityโwe can call the new method GetResponseFromNetworkLogs
Utility Data
We have added a draggable feature to the utility data form, allowing it to be moved anywhere on the screen. Previously, the static nature of this form caused issues with one column not being visible properly in test scripts.
Bug Fixes:
method was not working in incognito mode due to a third-party issue. We have internally updated the code using JavaScript to resolve this problem
UI (1.0.99) & Api (1.3.1) - (29-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Manual Test Case
ChatGPT integration added
Clients who have a ChatGPT token can use the AI-Assisted Test Case Generation feature. After adding the ChatGPT token, the AI-Assisted Test Case Generation feature will appear on the test case page. This feature allows manual test cases to be created based on requirements, acceptance criteria, or test scenarios using the ChatGPT AI engine.
Test Data Page
We have added a search filter on the Test Data page corresponding to the environment.
Test Data Page
We have increased the pagination number on the Test Data page; now the pagination can show up to 500 records per page.
Some teams have reported that the OR.Json file gets deleted or overwritten by specific user actions. Although we are already performing thread-safe operations, we have added a file lock mechanism for additional enhancement. With this mechanism, if a file is being written to, other threads will wait until the file is unlocked.
We have added additional prevention measures for the OR.Json file. In cases where users encounter a 'File OR file does not exist' error, our application now returns an error message. Previously, if the OR file did not exist on the server, a new one was created automatically. Now, the OR.Json file will be created manually if it does not exist for a particular account.
We have added a timestamp to the OR logger activity. If any activity occurs on the OR.json file, the timestamp will be captured in the log.
Test Data Page
We have added a search filter on the Test Data page corresponding to the environment.
Test Data Page
We have increased the pagination number on the Test Data page; now the pagination can show up to 500 records per page.
Some teams have reported that the OR.Json file gets deleted or overwritten by specific user actions. Although we are already performing thread-safe operations, we have added a file lock mechanism for additional enhancement. With this mechanism, if a file is being written to, other threads will wait until the file is unlocked.
We have added additional prevention measures for the OR.Json file. In cases where users encounter a 'File OR file does not exist' error, our application now returns an error message. Previously, if the OR file did not exist on the server, a new one was created automatically. Now, the OR.Json file will be created manually if it does not exist for a particular account.
We have added a timestamp to the OR logger activity. If any activity occurs on the OR.json file, the timestamp will be captured in the log.
Test Script test data
When a test step calls t.variableName
(test data reference) and this test data reference is also inside c.variable
(common test data), the values were not extracted, which was the correct behavior. However, the team now wants the values to be fetched even if common test data is used within test data. Therefore, if common test data is referenced under test data, it will now be extracted as well. However, the QAbunch team recommends that if common test data is used in a test script, it should be passed directly in the script instead of through test data, as test data and common test data are separate entities.
********* Please note that this build includes a new package called proper-lockfile
. We request that all team members using the on-prem version install it by running npm install proper-lockfile
in their project directories.
UI (1.0.98) & Api (1.3.0) - (24-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Headless mode added
Headless mode is added to the configuration page; when it is set to "Yes," the execution will occur in headless mode.
We have increased the user session timeout to match the account expiration date. Previously, users needed to log in again after 8 hours, which sometimes caused them to lose their changes if the session expired while they were in the middle of something. With this update, that issue will no longer occur (After New build , Logout and relogin is required)
We have added the incognito argument in the launch method, so the browser will now launch in an incognito window.
Two actions were being called before interacting with any element: focus
(which involved moveToElement
and scrollIntoView
). moveToElement
was causing issues because the element would get positioned outside the window, leading to an element click intercepted
error. We have removed this line of code, so now only scrollIntoView
is called
Web OR
Logging has been added for each action on the OR.json
file, including when a new element is added, updated, or removed.
Bug Fixes:
After updating the value in a test step, the same value was also getting updated in the nearest step (when the value was present in multiple lines). This issue occurred due to mutation, we have fixed it across all pages where react-json-editor
is used.
throws a TypeError: toLowerCase is not a function
when the attribute text is provided with a numeric value.
After clicking, refer to the screenshot; sometimes the image does not load in the dialog window.
UI (1.0.97) & Api (1.2.9) - (18-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Web & Mobile
Global variable
We have added the global variable concept: test step responses can be saved in a global variable, which can then be used anywhere in the test suite. We also have some predefined global variables like Global.Environment
and Global.ApplicationURL
. Detailed descriptions with examples can be found in the SaveGlobalVariable
method documentation.(Please Note , this variable can be fetch while execution of the test script, when you debug the step , you will not get the value)
Web & Mobile
has been added, which stores the environment, name, test ID, component, and executed by information in a JSON object. For more details and usage, refer to the SaveSessionVariable
method documentation (Please Note , this variable can be fetch while execution of the test script, when you debug the step , you will not get the value)
UI (1.0.96) & Api (1.2.8) - (16-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Web & Mobile
String, Array, Date and Math Function added
We have added String, Math, Array, and Date functions under the Main Web and Mobile category sections. Previously, some of these methods existed in the UtilityData section. We have moved and added several major functions, which can now be viewed under the Utility Function (String, Math, Date, Array) section by clicking on the action column.
Web & Mobile
Scan button introduced at the element level on the OR page
This feature provides information on the dependency of an element across all test scripts, including the number of test scripts in which it is called, how many times it is called at the test step level, and how many times it is called at the custom function level.
OR Page
The "Remove Unused Elements" feature is now accessible only to admin users; previously, it was available to all users.
Execution Lab Page
After selecting the existing test suite report, the Execution Configuration will now also be updated. Previously, the Execution Configuration was shown only in the reports. This update facilitates the re-execution of test scripts.
Execution Lab Page
After running selective test scripts from the test suite, only the selected reports were previously displayed, which created a problem as there was no way to run other test scripts from the suite. We have now added a feature where, even if only selective test scripts are executed, all test scripts from the suite will be displayed. The status of unselected test cases will be shown as blank or not started.
UI (1.0.95) & Api (1.2.7) - (11-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Web & Mobile
Logging for Element Label
We have added a logging feature that allows you to check the last 10 changes made to web and mobile element labels. The 'View Log' button is now displayed on the OR page for each element
Web & Mobile
Border added for a new element.
We added a border for new elements in both web and mobile test scripts. The border on web elements will distinguish between existing and new elements
Web & Mobile
Delete feature for unused elements
We have added a 'Remove Unused Element' button on the OR page for both web and mobile. After clicking this button, all elements that are not associated with any test scripts or custom functions will be deleted.
Web , Mobile & API
Adding a 'Created By' column on the Execution and Test Suite pages.
This new 'Created By' column helps in taking action based on the user's perspective. For example, it allows identifying the owner of a test script. On the Test Suite and execution lab page, it can help in creating user-based test suites and filtering test scripts based on the 'Created By' column.
Server Package.Json
The dependent libraries have been updated for Selenium, Appium, Faker, and other libraries.
Dashboard Page (Test scripts development by Users)
The test script count shows 'Username not found' on the dashboard page if the user has been deleted from the server or the createdBy
key is missing in the test script file. If the createdBy
key is not found, the system will check the lastUpdatedBy
key as the user who created the script. If both keys are missing, only then will this message be displayed. Additionally, any updates made on the test script page will automatically add the createdBy
key if it is missing.
Web & Mobile
When an element does not exist in the HTML DOM or mobile app, the error message previously showed only the element name. We have now added the element locator and locator property to the error message.
Web & Mobile
We have changed our approach for configuration changes related to Self Healing set to 'No.' Previously, when it was set to 'No' and a web element could not be identified by the provided locator, or if a test step failed, our solution would still search for the element using alternate properties. Now, if Self Healing is set to 'No,' the system will rely solely on the provided locator property and will not attempt to search for the element using alternate properties
Bug Fixes:
After clicking on the screenshot link or image preview in the reports section, the image does not load for some test steps.
A message stating 'File name should be provided with extension' is appearing, even though correct file names are being passed. This issue occurs when the application throws an exception, and the application error message is overridden by the 'File name should be provided with extension' message.
Duplicate items were being added in the Value section when any update occurred on the test step label on the Test Script or Custom Function pages. Sometimes, the nearest step value was duplicated with the previous value. This issue was intermittent, and we have refactored the code to resolve it.
UI (1.0.94) & Api (1.2.6) - (06-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Web, Mobile & API
New Widget
Introduced a new widget that displays the total number of test scripts developed by the team during the past week. This feature provides insights into weekly test script development productivity.
Web , Mobile &API
Bar chart
Added a bar chart (Test scripts development by Users) that visualizes test script development by individual users over the last X days. This feature helps track and compare individual productivity across the team.
Bug Fixes:
When the APICall
method is invoked from the test script page, the common test data in API test scripts was showing as undefined
. This issue has been fixed.
A TypeError
occurred when the environment did not exist or the associated URL linked to the test script was missing. The error message was not user-friendly, making it difficult to identify and rectify the issue. This has been addressed
UI (1.0.93) & Api (1.2.5) - (04-Aug-2024)
New Feature
Web, Mobile & API
New Widget For Test execution Summary
We have added a new widget for the Total Count of Saved Executions, which provides information on the number of suites executed so far and reports saved on the server. Additionally, it displays the pass and fail counts for the overall execution, including the overall pass and fail percentages.
Public announcement and account announcement features have been added. If any major or global updates are available for the product or account, the message will automatically be shown in the header section.
Web & Mobile
Remove the restrictions on the maximum number of test scripts that can be created for web, mobile, and API testing, as well as the restrictions on the maximum number of saved reports. Restrictions will now apply based on storage space.
UI (1.0.92) & Api (1.2.4) - (01-Aug-2024)
Bug Fixes:
Element focus code was commented out, causing frequent 'Element Click Intercepted' issues in the scripts due to this change.
Spaces were not allowed when updating the test ID on the API Test Script page; however, they were allowed when developing new test scripts.
Reading responses from existing reports is taking too much time, causing the execution of test scripts to be significantly delayed.
Web & Mobile
Previously, mobile element names were only allowed to contain alphabets (a-z). Now, they can also include numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots
UI (1.0.91) & Api (1.2.3) - (31-Jul-2024)
We have separate columns for appPackage
, appActivity
, and platformVersion
in the "Add Device" table (only for server and client execution). However, these values can be directly passed in the capability section. Therefore, we removed these columns; appPackage
and appActivity
can now be passed directly in the capability details information is 1 time activity , hence this section moved into Add Mobile app details section
Web,Mobile and API
When a test script is renamed, if it is associated with an existing suite, the new name now automatically updates in the associated test suite, eliminating the need for rework
Web,Mobile and API
If a component is renamed from the configuration page, the new component name will also be reflected in the associated test suite
Web,Mobile and API
If a component is deleted from the configuration page, the associated test scripts will be automatically removed from the test suite.
Web,Mobile and API
If a test script is deleted from the test scripts page, the associated test scripts will be automatically removed from the test suite
UI (1.0.90) & Api (1.2.2) - (26-Jul-2024)
New Feature
Test Suite Page
Drag & Drop
Using drag-and-drop feature on the Test Suite page you can update the test sequence of the test scripts
DB Action
Added method DBRecordCount
We have added a new method, DBRecordCount
, for getting the database record count. Using this method, we can save the record count into a variable, which can be dynamically called at the application level.
Template for requestMaraters
We have added the CreateRequestParametersInSessionVariable
method, which can create dynamic request parameters for dynamic input. This helps with iteration when the number of iterations is dynamic with the test data
DB Action
In the SaveDBColumnValueInSessionVariable
method, the row index was mandatory. We have now added an enhancement: if the row index is not provided, the column values will be recorded in a list. For example, if SELECT phonenumber FROM Mobile
returns 10 values, then SaveDBColumnValueInSessionVariable
will return all 10 values in the list if the row index is not defined.
Bug Fixes:
When the reporting message is large, it overflows into the next column on the Execution Lab page or Debugger window.
The API response data is not showing in reports when the method is called in a page-level function from web and mobile test scripts; however, it works fine when called at the test script level.
UI (1.0.89) & Api (1.2.1) - (23-Jul-2024)
Bug Fixes:
After re-execution of the test scripts in the existing test suite, the sequence of test scripts changes, causing problems with selection and viewing of the reports.
After the new implementation of the reporting structure, clicking the 'Create New Defect' button does not add the screenshot to the defect details section.
Api (1.2.0) - (16-Jul-2024-HotFix)
Bug Fixes:
When a function argument is not provided in a method, the associated test step was not skipped. The function works fine when the level of dependency of the custom function is 2 (for example, A calls B, and B calls C). However, when the dependency is greater than or equal to 3, it does not work
UI (1.0.88) & Api (1.1.9) - (12-Jul-2024)
We have changed our report-saving architecture. Previously, we had a single report file that included everything, including screenshots. This approach caused issues with test suites containing a large number of test scripts, resulting in heavy report sizes. Consequently, reports sometimes failed to save to the server, and when they did, rendering the page on the frontend took too much time as it had to load all the file size data. To address this, we have revised our approach: screenshots are now excluded from the report file and saved in a separate folder. A reference link to the screenshot is included in our main report file. On the UI, rendering only fetches the main report JSON file.
Add User
The Add/Edit User Profile dialog window was not opening in responsive mode. It looked fine on the web browser, but in mobile view, the columns were collapsing
Bug Fixes:
On the Dashboard page, the test execution bar for daily execution is not generated.
Api (1.1.8) - (03-Jul-2024)
File Read and Save
We have added the Stream-JSON library for reading and saving large-sized files. Initially, we used the native method for reading JSON files (JSON.parse), which took a lot of time. Similarly, when writing files with large data, we encountered exceptions. To handle such scenarios, we are now using Stream-JSON.
API Execution Logging
We have added logging on the server side for API execution, allowing us to understand the root cause of exceptions on the backend. Additionally, we have added logging at the test script level for better understanding
Bug Fixes:
While running all API scripts from the execution lab page, the status is not getting updated, and the progress bar continues to display. On the backend, there is an exception, but on the front end, there is no user-friendly message.
Api (1.1.7) - (28-Jun-2024-HotFix)
Bug Fixes:
The condition statement is not working when a custom function is called in the test script, and there are no nested custom calls within the custom function.
UI (1.0.87) & api (1.1.6) - (27-Jun-2024)
Bug Fixes:
Status of Predependent Page for wb and Mobile is not updated , in case of failure of page function, error message is displayed but status showing Pass
For custom functions that call multiple other custom functions, the reporting structure and conditional statements were not working correctly.
After loading the test scripts, the test name is not showing correctly on the execution lab page.
When an invalid locator is added, the page loader appears, and the page gets stuck, preventing any further actions.
We have removed the Debugging API button from the test script page. This debugging was running on the client side, and most of the application was blocked due to CORS. Later, we enabled the debug button with server-side effects.
UI (1.0.86) & api (1.1.5) - (26-Jun-2024)
Bug Fixes:
When a dependent API is defined in a mocked response, and this dependent API has another dependency, the subdependent test script execution does not get skipped during API execution.
UI (1.0.85) & api (1.1.4) - (21-Jun-2024)
Rollback Update
Custom Function
We have a rollback method for executing custom function steps. The new change created an issue in the sequence, so we reverted it. In the older version, there is a known issue where the condition statement does not work if a custom function calls another custom function.
Web & Mobile
For action count, if a web element is not present in the HTML DOM, the method returns 0 instead of the error message "element does not exist."
Auto Healing
Added a configurable self-healing feature. When set to "Yes," it auto-corrects the web element.
Bug Fixes:
The mock response value does not get overridden when the test scripts are executed for integration testing.
Request authorization (credentials) was not sent to the server while running the test scripts.
UI (1.0.84) & api (1.1.3) - (14-Jun-2024)
New Feature
Default timeout added
The default timeout option has been added to the configuration page. This default timeout will be applied directly to mobile elements. Before performing any action, it will search for the element based on the default timeout. Using this feature, sync and wait issues can be minimized
Bug Fixes:
The function name field gets blank on the custom function page when the user navigates back to the custom function page after selecting any function.
The conditional statement written for the child function gets applied to the parent function, or the conditional expression is not reset when nested custom functions are called.
Test Execution (Manual Testing)
Sorting feature added for the 'Test Id' column.
Now, we have provided a provision for the response variable name to come from common test data.
When any new key added or updated whole request parameter section gets collapsed
We allow the mocked response data to be overridden by real data. This helps in unit testing components.
Test ID update provision has been added to the API test script. Using the Swagger URL, it generates a random API script ID that needs to be updated by the user.
Known Issue:
After updating the value from the test script page or custom function page, sometimes the value gets updated in a different row as well. This issue is intermittent. We have refactored our code, and the issue does not exist on our end. However, because this issue does not have proper steps to reproduce, it is still being treated as an open issue.
UI (1.0.83) & api (1.1.2) (10-Jun-2024)
We have enhanced the performance of our mobile element searching approach. Previously, if a mobile element did not exist in the DOM, it took too much time to search. Now, we have reduced the time required for this process.
Known Issue:
After updating the value from the test script page or custom function page, sometimes the value gets updated in a different row as well. This issue is intermittent.
UI (1.0.82) & api (1.1.1) (05-Jun-2024)
Bug Fixes:
When any step fails inside the method, the script does not terminate. It executes the remaining steps and shows the status as "Pass."
A test step that uses args data sometimes fails to generate a value, and occasionally, the step status shows "Skipped" with the message "Args not provided," even though args were provided for those steps.
UI (1.0.81) & api (1.1.0)
Bug Fixes:
After running method RunSQL query exception SQLQueryOutPut undefined message is coming
Function overloading is not working in case argument comes from element property
LoopCounter not working in case webelement returns list of webelement , staleelement exception occured
When loopCounter is provided inside the method , and those method is called in test script label then Iteration not happend
By defualt test data on reports section will displayed in collpased mode
UI (1.0.80) & api (1.0.99)
New Feature
Custom Function/Test Scripts
Test Data Iteration support
Now, the custom function can be iterated according to the provided loopCounter
and methodParameters
Beautify test reports
In case of failure or additional data that are viewed in a string, we have now added a JSON object in an expand and collapse view.
Conditional statement
if else statement support on test step label
We can now use the if-else expression in the test step label. By doing so, we can pass a list of step numbers that should be executed based on the outcome (pass or fail) of a particular step. For example, in test step 1, if the condition is true (pass), we run step 2; if the condition is false (fail), we run step 3. We need to pass the following structure in step number 1: {"ifTrue": [2], "ifFalse": [3]}
Test Script & Custom Function
After editing or adding a new key in the JSON value section, it collapses, which is annoying to the users.
UI (1.0.79) & api (1.0.98)
New Feature
Web & Mobile (Test script & Custom Function)
Adding details of depenedent function
Adding details of dependent functions and test steps which are called in Page labels or custom functions. Now, associated step results can also be viewed
Bug Fixes:
The custom function namespace does not get trimmed if the function name contains a space.
Existing test script reports do not get removed when the load button is clicked for a different component.
After changing the value of a test step, the values of subsequent steps also change intermittently.
WaitForElement was not working even for valid locator and locator attributes
UI (1.0.78) & api (1.0.97)
New Feature
Added default Timeout for Search element
We have introduced a 'Timeout for Search Element' configuration option. The objective of this feature is to make the code internally wait for the specified timeout before interacting with any web elements. This acts as an explicit wait, eliminating the need for additional wait statements in the test scripts.
Custom Function page
We have added status reporting for all steps, including debugging information when custom functions are called at the test script level
Logging on server side for Web Execution
We have added server-side logging for test executions. In the server-side logs, we can check which users executed the test scripts and with which combinations. In case of failure or exceptions, we can review the logs on the server using pm2 logs
Bug Fixes:
After entering an existing locator name and clicking, the locator properties do not get updated.
UI (1.0.77) & api (1.0.96)
New Feature
File Upload to Server
Files can be uploaded from the local configuration page, and their names can then be directly passed to the API request.
Function Overloading concept
We have implemented function overloading for the Function
method, allowing it to be called with varying numbers of arguments. For instance, if a function expects 3 arguments, it can now be called with just 1 or 2 arguments. In such cases, the action will not be performed on elements where values are not provided.
Integration with Mobile app
Mobile test scripts can be called in web test scripts , test script can be choosen from the Web category dialog
A confirmation modal has been introduced for API test script deletion.
Bug Fixes:
Arguments was not auto populated from the Custom function page for Mobile in case of Page label method
CallAPI method was not working from Execution lab page for web and Mobile and testing.
After deleteing the environment from the API configuration page, associated URL was not deleted from the server end.
Assertion section is not coming for existing test suite report on API execution lab page
Pae gets blank in case of new mobile elements created from the dialog and it is used in next step
UI (1.0.76) & api (1.0.95)
New Feature
LoopCounter added for custom/page unction
A custom function can be iterated based on the provided loop counter.
Execution on Existing test suite
Existing test suite reports can now be fetched, and selected test scripts can be executed. Reports will be added only to those suites, overriding existing test script reports. This feature will be helpful in cases where reexecution is required for the same suite
Dashboard/Execution Lab Page
Downloading feature for reports.
Download report option as an image is available on the Execution Lab and Dashboard pages.
UI (1.0.75) & api (1.0.94)
New Feature
Execution Lab Page
View test suite reports by the "Executed By" field.
Now, test suite execution can be viewed from the execution lab page. Users can select the "Executed By" field and view existing test suite reports.
In Swagger version v3, if a reference is not defined in the schema, the request body does not get added to the API test scripts
UI (1.0.74) & api (1.0.93)
Custom function Page (Web & Mobile)
After changing the name in the custom function, all steps become blank on the custom function page. Consequently, in scenarios where we need to replicate the same steps for a new page or function, it becomes tedious, as we have to add them one by one. With the updated functionality, after adding the name, the steps will remain intact, allowing for easier reuse
The SaveSession method previously only saved one variable at a time, requiring multiple steps when using more variables. Now, the same method can store multiple variables at once, or the same function can retain values from previous steps.
Custom function Page (Web & Mobile)
In the case of multiple functions within an account, selecting a custom page was tedious due to the absence of filters on both the web and mobile category dialog. To address this, we have also implemented pagination.
Bug Fixes:
After adding the new cycle from the configuration page, we received a success message, but it was not saved to the server
There is no provision to send the '+' key when Utility values are passed as a single value.
UI (1.0.73) & api (1.0.92)
Test Suite Page
The maximum pagination value on the test suite page has been increased to 500; previously, it was 50.
Test Case Page
After updating the test case details from the test case dialog window, the updated field was not displayed on the test case table; an additional page refresh was required.
Bug Fixes:
After selecting the main parent checkbox, the previous page selection disappears.
For pre-filled comboboxes, when something is entered in the start or middle, the focus always shifts to the end of the line.
Api (1.0.91)
We have now fixed this issue where web alerts were automatically closing when a new action was initiated on a different element while an alert was open
UI (1.0.72) & api (1.0.90)
New Feature
Test Suite entry
In the reports dialog window, we can now see the TestSuite name and the "executed by" section.
For the iOS platform, if the native method driver.hideKeyboard
isn't functioning as expected, we've implemented additional logic at the keystroke level to simulate clicking the "Done" button to hide the keypad.
UI (1.0.71) & api (1.0.89)
New Feature
Web & Mobile
Export Feature for Reusable method (Page & Function)
Now, reusable components for both web and mobile platforms can be shared across different user accounts. Upon exporting the reusable component, all dependent subpages, subfunctions, and web elements will be seamlessly exported as well.
Login & Configuration
In the responsive mode of the application, the login page and configuration page elements get distorted
UI (1.0.70) & api (1.0.88)
Bug Fixes:
Not all steps are added in automation scripts from the steps recorded on mobile
An exception message occurred when generating API test scripts from the Swagger URL
Mobile Configuration
The 'connectionRetryCount' key can be passed from the mobile configuration page; by default, its value is 3. Sometimes, we encounter an error stating 'unable to start session'
UI (1.0.69) & api (1.0.87)
New Feature
Test Data Page
We have added a test data page for maintaining multiple environments
Bug Fixes:
The utility method was not functioning properly for mobile testing, whereas it is working fine for web testing
When creating mobile test scripts from the manual test case page, the addition of custom test data does not store the value.
Mobile Execution
For mobile testing, additional data will now be captured in the reporting. For example, when a 'getAttribute' method call or 'generateUtility' method call is made, we can see the populated value in the reporting section
API Debugging
In the case of API exceptions, such as when an API did not execute due to a CORS error, previously we provided a custom message. Now, the exact message will appear in the debugger window.
UI (1.0.68) & api (1.0.86)
Bug Fixes:
After unchecking a single test script, all test scripts become unchecked on the Test Suite page.
Test Case Page
In the case of importing an Excel file, if a component has something between parentheses (), then a subfolder is created according to our previous approach. Now, a subfolder is only created if we are providing /
Test Case Page
When multiple custom fields are added, the width of the custom column collapses, making it harder to see all values.
Mobile Execution Lab page
QAautoMATER now implements its own logic for parallel execution on the cloud server. Previously, we relied on sending all test script requests to the cloud server and expected it to manage them according to the specified plan, such as executing 4 test scripts in parallel while queuing the rest. However, this approach resulted in errors. Now, parallel execution is determined by the thread count on the execution lab page, rendering the 'maxinstances' key irrelevant.
Api (1.0.85) -HotFix
Bug Fixes:
If a user's account becomes detached or is removed from the server, it may be due to deletion by an administrator.
UI (1.0.67) & api (1.0.84)
New Feature
Test Script/Custom Function
Last Activity
The last activity will show the most recent activity performed by a user and the corresponding timestamp.
Execution Lab
Pagination filter has been added for the execution lab page. Previously, the maximum filter was set to 50, which meant that if the count of test scripts exceeded 200, selecting test scripts required four actions. Now, with the maximum filter count increased to 500, this limitation has been addressed.
When importing test cases, if a cell contains a number, it will not be saved in the test case details. Internally, the system manages the data format.
Server-side logging has been added to handle any execution exceptions during test suite execution.Handled Exception in case of test scripts terminated due to any exception
In case of a failed mobile action launch, the capability will be captured in the report.
Bug Fixes:
Screenshots are captured for each step, even when the Screenshot value is set to 'For failure & success' in the configuration page, especially during test scripts with multiple iterations.
Api (1.0.83) -HotFix
Bug Fixes:
ARGS.param is used in both page and function level method, previous fix code was only deployed for function part
Api (1.0.82) -HotFix
Bug Fixes:
Case senseive issue on function and page parameter issue
UI (1.0.66) & api (1.0.81)
New Feature
Manual-Test Execution
Export feature for Test plan results
After test execution test case results for test plan can be exported into test reults section.
String Length Assertion
We have added assertion for verifying string length in Assertion category
Manual-Test Execution
Append the Test Plan Label Name to the Execution Summary Results Section
Manual -Test Case Page
If the custom column value contains spaces, it will be trimmed
Manual-Test Case Page
Added an Exact Match filter for the 'Automation Type' column in the test case.
After modifying the behavior, only visible rows will be selected upon checking the parent checkbox, even when a filter is applied
UI (1.0.65) & api (1.0.80)
New Feature
Recording Feature for Mobile
Appium Inspector Pro is embedded in QAautoMATER, allowing for the recording of mobile app actions and the generation of test scripts based on the recorded steps
User Profile
User's account association
Implement an Add/Edit user profile section where the admin user can directly associate users with multiple accounts.
Web, Mobile & API
Introduce a search list box for selecting dependent functions. Now, page functions can be searched and selected from the pages.
Web, Mobile & API
Search-section is added on configuration page for Component for Rename delete section and Move your test scripts section
Bug Fixes:
After updating the value on the Test Script and Custom Page function, the value gets updated on the nearest step. (Intermittent issue) , This issue was reopen in build 1.0.63 and 1.0.64, -- Root cause identifies and fixed
UI (1.0.64) & api (1.0.79) - HotFixes
New Feature
Added ExecuteScript and JSType in Webelement action
We have added javascript execute method in element level action , using this method any javascript event can be triggered in html dom
Bug Fixes:
After updating the value on the Test Script and Custom Page function, the value gets updated on the nearest step. (Intermittent issue) , This issue was reopen in build 1.0.63, we have fix this issue
UI (1.0.63) & api (1.0.78) - HotFixes
New Feature
Added ExecuteScript method
We have added an executeScript
method for mobile actions. This JavaScript method allows commands to be directly sent, which proves useful when native methods of Appium do not work as expected. With executeScript
, you can execute custom JavaScript code within the context of the mobile application, enabling interaction with elements and behaviors that may not be directly accessible through native Appium commands.
Execution Lab Page
After loading the test script page, all test scripts are now displayed in ascending order based on Test ID, following our correction.
Bug Fixes:
After updating the value on the Test Script and Custom Page function, the value gets updated on the nearest step. (Intermittent issue)
Added server-side validation to prevent the override of existing web element properties if the new value is blank
UI (1.0.62) & api (1.0.77)
New Feature
Web and Mobile
Connecting Local browser
QAautoMATER allows you to connect your local browser and application. With this feature, you can debug and execute test scripts on your local machine, reducing the load on the server.
Mobile Capability provision from Configuration page
QAautoMATER allows you to connect your local mobile device, and additional capabilities can be configured from the configuration page.
Debug API Chaning in 1 GO
When dealing with a dependent API that has multiple dependencies, this feature allows you to simply call the parent API. It will then automatically trigger all the inner dependent APIs. Previously, to achieve the same result, we had to call each dependent API one by one, especially during debugging
Web,Mobile & API
Test Suite linking on Execution Lab page
With this feature, all associated test scripts in a test suite will be fetched directly on the Execution Lab page. Previously, we had to manually load test scripts and select them each time. This enhancement is particularly useful for scenarios where Module X is executed daily.
Test Scripts Page
Component names and test script names were previously restricted to alphanumeric values only. With our latest changes, both test component names and test script names can now accept all characters except /,\,:,*,?,",<,>,| (Please note -For testid including these chracter @ will also not accepeted)
Execution Lab Page
Multi-selection functionality has been added for components on the Execution Lab page. Previously, it was a listbox, requiring us to select test scripts one by one
Test Execution(Manual Testing)
Test plan creation privilege has been granted to all users; previously, this privilege was only available to admin users.
The X-axis labels for the bar chart were truncated due to longer names, causing the graph to display in clustered mode.
Bug Fixes:
After changing the environment from the Dashboard page, the date and time section is not being cleared."
On the Defect Details modal page, after updating the step, the focus is not shifted to the end of the sentence. Additionally, pressing the Enter key does not create a new line
In the CI/CD test suite, if any test script is deleted or renamed, reports are not generated.
When the report history reaches its configured limit, the system deletes the newest file instead of the oldest one.
Known Issue:
After updating the value on the Test Script and Custom Page function, the value gets updated on the nearest step. (Intermittent issue)
Last updated