Test Case Page
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The Test Case page allows users to create new test cases under specific folders. Additionally, on this page, existing test cases can be imported from an Excel file. Users can also search for manual test cases and update existing manual tests.
We can view the test component structure on the right panel of the Test Case page
The test component structure refers to the component or folder names where manual tests can be saved
The root folder will always be the account name
To create a new component or folder, start by selecting the parent folder. After clicking the parent folder, click the 'Create Component' button. Enter the new component name in the 'Add New Component' field and save it. The newly created component can then be viewed on the Test Component Structure tree
Video file for Creating new component
On the left side of the Test Case page, you can see the details of the new test case form
The new test case form has the following attributes:
Title refers to the new test case name, and it is a mandatory field.
The Component Name refers to the folder name where the test case will be saved. This field is automatically populated after selecting the component or folder name from the right panel of the Test Component Structure tree view.
Priority refers to the priority of the manual test case. By default, 'Medium' will be selected.
Type refers to the type of manual testing, which can currently be functional or non-functional. For instance, non-functional testing test cases may include API test cases. By default, 'Functional' will be selected.
Automation Status key refers to the status of the manual test case in terms of automation. By default, the value for a new test case will be 'Not Automated.'
Cycle refers to the test sprint to which the manual test belongs. By default, the current test cycle will be selected.
The Reference key is used to map your manual test case with a Jira ID. This is helpful in case the test case fails, as during the creation of a defect log in Jira, an associated task will be automatically linked
The custom field is derived from the configuration page, and it is created by the admin
Objective refers to the objective of the manual test case.
Precondition refers to the precondition of the manual test case. It can be used for relating to BDD scenarios, for example, 'User is on the Payment page
Test data refers to the data that will be used in the test case.
The 'Expected Result' option can be used to format the test steps. By default, it is set to 'At the end of Step,' which means that all steps are written in the 'Step' section, and the expected result for the entire test case is written in the 'Expected Result' section. If 'At Each Step' is selected, it means that the expected result can be written at each step
Test Step refers to the individual steps within a manual test case
In the Attachment section, you can upload supported file formats such as Excel, CSV, and PDF for the manual test case. The file size for each attachment should not exceed 5 MB
Video file for Creating new Test case
We can search for a manual test case after selecting the component or folder from the Test Component Structure tree. If we select the account name, all test cases will be displayed in the bottom section of the page. Additionally, we provide filters in the test case details table, allowing users to filter test cases based on ID, name, cycle, etc.
Video file for Search
Once you click on the row for an existing test case in the Test Case Details table, you will open the Test Case dialog. From this dialog, you can update the manual test case
On the Test Case dialog window, along with existing test case attributes, you can find the following sections:
2. History
3. Clone button
4. Update button
5. Automate UI script
6. Automate Mobile Script
7. Delete button.
The Comments section can be viewed at the bottom of the page. If you want to add any additional comments for this specific test case, you need to input the comment, then click on the 'Add Comment' button. This comment will be added and visible to everyone
The History table is read-only. After clicking the History tab, you can view the log of manual test cases. Whatever actions occur on manual test cases will be automatically saved under the History tab.
The Clone button is used to copy the manual test case. Once you click the Clone button, the existing test case dialog will close, and all existing details can be saved in a new test case form. This feature can be helpful for writing new manual test cases.
The Update button is used for updating the details of the existing manual test case.
Once you click the 'Automate (UI Script)' button, the page will be redirected to Automation > UI Testing > Test Script. In this page, the Component, Test ID, and Test Name will be filled automatically in the Basic Details section. Additionally, the test steps can be found under the 'MANUAL TEST STEPS' section after expanding the 'Choose Manual Test Case' section
Once you click the 'Automate (UI Script)' button, the page will be redirected to Automation > Mobile Testing > Test Script. In this page, the Component, Test ID, and Test Name will be filled automatically in the Basic Details section. Additionally, the test steps can be found under the 'MANUAL TEST STEPS' section after expanding the 'Choose Manual Test Case' section
The Delete button is available for admin users. After clicking the Delete button, the manual test case will be removed from the server.
Video file for Update manual test case
The 'Upload Your Manual Test Case' section can be viewed at the top of the page.
Once you expand this section, you can see the file upload option with the 'Import' button.
Currently, it accepts Excel or CSV files
For importing an Excel file, the format of the Excel file does not matter. However, for uploading the test case, the Excel file should have three mandatory columns: a. Component or Module
b. Test Case Name
c. Test Step
How to create folder name based on Component name
If the Component name in the Excel column is 'QAautoMATER,' then a folder will be created under the Account. If the Component name is 'QAautoMATER/Admin,' then under the 'QAautoMATER' folder, a child folder named 'Admin' will be created
Please note
If the Excel file does not have values for Priority, Expected Result, etc., then these values will be automatically generated by the QAautoMATER algorithm
Video file for Upload your existing manual test case
Once you click "Export test cases," all test cases will be downloaded in the Excel file.