Defect Page
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Last updated
The Defect page is designed for creating new defects and tracking the journey of defects through the defect life cycle.
Defect page can be open through navigation Manual>Defect
We can view the test component structure on the right panel of the Test Case page
The test component structure refers to the component or folder names where Defect can be saved
In the test component structure, you may notice that the folder or component names are the same as those created on the manual test case page. All components are derived from the test case page
On the left side of the Defect page, you can see the details of the Defect form
The Defect form has the following attributes:
Title refers to the new defect name, and it is a mandatory field.
The Component Name refers to the folder name where the defect will be saved. This field is automatically populated after selecting the component or folder name from the right panel of the Test Component Structure tree view.
Priority refers to the priority of the defect. By default, 'Medium' will be selected.
Severity refers to the Severity of the defect. By default, 'Minor' will be selected.
Severity refers to the current status of the defect. By default, 'Open' will be selected.
The 'Assigned to' field, which is a listbox, is used for assigning the defect. It contains all the users under the account
The 'Cycle' refers to the sprint to which the defect will belong. By default, the current sprint will be selected
The 'Environment' field reflects the environment to which the defect belongs. It is a multi-selection value . Environment value are coming from the Configuration page.
The 'Test ID' is a multi-selection value used to link defects to test cases. Please note that only those test cases belonging to the selected component or folder will be displayed.
Custom field values are derived from the configuration page by the admin. You can add custom field values for defects
The 'Steps to Reproduce' field contains the steps for the defect. This toolkit allows you to change the font style of the text, and you can also paste screenshots into this field.
In the attachment section, you can upload files to support the defect. Please note that the maximum size for a single file is up to 5 MB
Video file for Creating new defect
We can search for a defect after selecting the component or folder from the Test Component Structure tree. If we select the account name, all defect will be displayed in the bottom section of the page. Additionally, we provide filters in the Defect details table, allowing users to filter defect based on ID, name, cycle, etc.
Video file for searching new defect
Once you click on the row for an existing defect in the Defect Details table, you will open the Defect dialog. From this dialog, you can update the defect attribute
On the Defect dialog window, along with existing Defect attributes, you can find the following sections:
2. History
3. Clone button
4. Update button
5. Delete button.
The Comments section can be viewed at the bottom of the page. If you want to add any additional comments for this specific defect, you need to input the comment, then click on the 'Add Comment' button. This comment will be added and visible to everyone.
The History table is read-only. After clicking the History tab, you can view the log of defects. Whatever actions occur on defect will be automatically saved under the History tab.
The Clone button is used to copy the defect attribute. Once you click the Clone button, the existing defect dialog will close, and all existing details can be saved in a new defect form. This feature can be helpful for writing new defect.
The Update button is used for updating the details of the existing defect.
Video file for Update defect attribute
The 'Upload your existing defects' section can be viewed at the top of the page.
Once you expand this section, you can see the file upload option with the 'Import' button.
Currently, it accepts Excel or CSV files
For importing an Excel file for uploading the defect the Excel file should have three mandatory columns:
a. Component or Module
b. Defect Title
c. Steps to reproduce
How to create folder name based on Component name
If the Component name in the Excel column is 'QAautoMATER,' then a folder will be created under the Account. If the Component name is 'QAautoMATER/Admin,' then under the 'QAautoMATER' folder, a child folder named 'Admin' will be created
Please note
If the Excel file does not have values for Priority etc., then these values will be automatically generated by the QAautoMATER algorithm
Video file for Upload your existing defect
Once you click "Export Defects," all defects will be downloaded in the Excel file.