Configuration Page
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The configuration page for manual testing is utilized for managing:
Sprint Test Cycle
Rename/Delete Test Component
Move Your Test Cases
Custom Fields for Manual Test Case
Custom Fields for Defect
Custom Fields for Test Plan
The configuration page can be accessed by navigating to Manual > Configuration from the left navigation panel.
In the Test Configuration section, we can add a new Sprint cycle, and we can also set the default Sprint cycle from the Test Configuration page.
The current test cycle can be viewed across all pages (Dashboard, Test Case, Defect, Test Execution) with a default selection. QAautoMATER generates reports based on the selected test cycle
Video file for Default Sprint Selection
In the 'Add New Environment' section, we can add or remove new environments. This field can also be viewed on the Defect page. The idea behind adding a new environment is to help team members understand which application URL we are referring to when discussing the XYZ environment
Video file for Add new environment
The 'Rename/Delete test component' section is only available for admin users. The component name refers to the folder where manual test cases are stored. In this section, an admin user can delete the component or folder. Once a component is deleted, all the manual test cases inside the folder will be automatically removed. Users can also rename the component or folder in this section.
Video file for Delete component
Video file for Rename component
In the 'MOVE YOUR TEST CASES' section, we can move test cases from Folder A to Folder B. First, we need to click on the component from where the test case will be moved. Once the component is selected, we can then choose the test case ID from the 'Select Test to move' section. After that, we need to click on the new component where the test case will be saved.
Video file for Move your test case
In the 'ADD CUSTOM FIELDS FOR MANUAL TEST CASE' section, we can add a custom field. This custom field will be applicable to all Manual Test cases in the new form. Additionally, we can set the behavior of the custom field. For example, if no value is provided in the custom field, it will be displayed as a textbox in the new test case form. Alternatively, the custom field can be set as a listbox by providing a list or array of values (e.g., ["A", "B"]). In this case, the field will be presented as a listbox in the test case form, allowing users to select only from the provided values.
Video file for Custom field for manual Test case
In case of importing test cases from the Manual Test Case page, suppose you are exporting manual test cases from some source where you find that some columns have key values, but the same key is not found in the test case form. In that case, add the Excel column name in the Configuration page. Once you import the test cases, the column information can be viewed under the custom field section.
Video file for Custom field for manual Test case (Import manual Test Case)
The custom field for defects behaves the same as the custom field for manual test cases.
Video file for Custom field for defects
Video file for Custom field for defects (Import Defect Case)
We can add custom fields for a test plan, such as platform, browser, version, etc., from the 'ADD CUSTOM FIELDS FOR TEST PLAN' section. Once saved, these custom fields can be viewed by the admin on the Test Execution page under the 'Create New Test Plan' section.
Video file for Custom field for Test Plan