Self healing of the web element
Our solution supports a self-healing feature. If any web element property is updated or a new component is introduced into the web application, our solution automatically updates the web element property if the element is not identified by the primary attribute.
How to work self healing
The self-healing feature works while debugging the test steps. During the debugging of a test step, when any step is performed and passes, our solution uses the web element property (primary attribute) and machine learning to create a secondary path. If the secondary XPath works during debugging, it is saved internally for the same web element for future reference. If the element is not identified by the primary attribute, we use the secondary attribute to find the web element.
While debugging the test steps, if an element is not identified by the primary attribute, but the same web element has a secondary XPath from a previous step, our solution will make the secondary attribute the primary attribute. We then change the web element property internally, but only if the element is identified by the secondary attribute.
Please Note
Element property updates occur only while debugging the test scripts. For example, if you are running the test scripts from the execution lab page, no internal updates will happen. Instead, the secondary XPath will be used if it is working.
If any webelement uses parameter for a example //a[text()='+ARGS.LinkName+] in that case seconday xpath not gets created
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