Test Data Page
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Last updated
The test data page is designed for creating, updating, and deleting common test data for a specific environment.
The test data page can be accessed through Automation > UI Testing > Test Data.
Please note
Test data that is reusable across multiple test scripts should be stored on this page. For example, in a login scenario where the same credentials are used for 5 or more test scripts, this type of test data should be stored on the Test Data page.
Before adding test data for a specific environment, you need to add the environment. To add an environment, click on the "Add New Environment" button.
In the "Add New Environment" dialog, you can find the "Environment" section. Please note that the environment options are retrieved from the Configuration page. Select the desired environment and click the "Add" button to link the new environment with test data.
Once an environment is added, you can add test data against that environment. To do this, click the "Add" button in the "ADD OR UPDATE COMMON TEST DATA" section. A new row will be added, and then you need to enter a data key, which is a common identifier (e.g., Username). After that, add the corresponding username value for the respective environment and click on "Save." The test data will be saved on the server.
Please note
Common test data can be accessed across all pages using the keyword c.DATAKEY
. For example, if you want to retrieve the USERNAME from the common test data in a test script or custom function page, you need to write c.USERNAME
To delete an environment, click on the "Add New Environment" button, then from the "Add New Environment" dialog, select the environment that needs to be deleted, and click the "Delete" button. The environment will be deleted from the Test Data page.
Please Note
On the Execution Lab, if you select the Prod environment and it is not linked with the Test Data page, the execution will still happen with the default environment data.
Test data can also be added from the Test Script page. We recommend adding common test data from the Test Script page. For updating test data, this page should be used.
Video file for test data page