Execution Lab Page
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The Execution Lab page is designed for running existing automation test scripts.
We can access the Execution Lab page through the navigation path: Automation > UI Testing > Execution Lab.
The Execution Lab page consists of the following sections:
Execution Configuration
Choose Your Screen
UI Test Scripts
Test Execution Report
The Execution Configuration section has the following fields:
Environment fields refresh to indicate the environment in which the test script will be executed. The environment value is derived from the configuration page, and by default, the default environment will be selected in the Environment section
The Component Name field refers to the test script's component or the specific component you want to execute. This section also provides an 'ALL' value. After selecting 'ALL', all test scripts from all components will be loaded. For a specific component, only those test scripts that belong to the selected component will be loaded.
The "Run At" field defines where the test scripts will be executed. By default, it will be set to "Server," meaning it will run on the machine where QAautoMATER is hosted. However, it is also possible to execute the test script on a different cloud provider server, such as BrowserStack, LambdaTest, etc.
The "Thread Count" defines how many test scripts will run in parallel. For example, if you select 5, that means 5 test scripts will run at the same time.
Please note: The maximum thread count is allocated by the QaBunch Team based on the account
Want to add a report in the dashboard is a list box that contains "Yes" or "No" values. If "No" is selected, the report will not be saved to the server, and you can only view the reports on the Execution Lab page. When you select "Yes," the report will be saved to the server and can be viewed by other users as well.
The "Choose Your Screen" section has the following fields: Screen and Device/Browser. These keys are used to indicate the type of screen you want to run on. The Screen section has three values: Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet. These values are retrieved from the configuration page. If you wish to perform responsive testing, you can select Mobile and Tablet based on your preference, and similarly for the Device field. All these values are populated based on the configuration settings.
The "UI Test Script" section contains two buttons: Load and Run. The Load button is used for loading the test scripts based on the account selection, while the Run button is used for executing the test scripts based on the selected test script.
After loading the test scripts, you need to select the checkbox corresponding to the tests you want to execute. If you want to run all test scripts, you have to select the parent checkbox.
After clicking the Run button, test execution will start, and you can monitor the progress using the progress bar. once test scripts execution completed then you can the status againt each test script.
Once you expand the test script by clicking the (+) icon, you can view detailed reports of the test scripts.
In case of failed test scripts, you will find the "Create New Defect" button a;ong the failure root cause
Once you click the "Create New Defect" button, depending upon the configuration settings in Jira, the defect will be automatically logged in QAautoMATER. The defect form will then be displayed with all steps to reproduce and other relevant details.
After test execution, you can view the detailed reports in the test suite on the bottom of the page
The "Pass-Fail Count" is a donut chart that indicates how many test scripts passed and failed during execution.
Bar chart that illustrates the number of test scripts that have passed and failed for each component.
Bar chart that illustrates the number of execution time for each component.
View Test Suite Report
test suite execution can be viewed from the execution lab page. Users can select the "Executed By" field and view existing test suite reports.
After clicking the "View Reports" button, users can view existing test suite reports based on the provided filter.