Test Execution Page
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The Test Execution page is designed for creating test plans and executing manual test cases. This page provides a 360-degree view of test execution within a test plan. It proves particularly helpful during a release, offering a quick overview of the overall status for any test plan
The Test Execution page can be accessed by navigating through Manual Testing > Test Execution link
Test execution comprises the following components:
Create a new Test Plan
Select a Test Plan
Test Case Execution
Test Plan Reporting
Creating a new test plan section is only available for admin users
By default, it is in collapse view; once you expand it, you can see the following parameters inside.
New Test Plan Name
The 'New Test Plan Name' textbox is used for providing your test plan name; it accepts only alphabets, with a maximum length of 50 characters
Test Cycle
The Test Cycle is a listbox where you can select the sprint to which this test plan belongs; by default, the current sprint will be selected
The Environment is a listbox where you can select the environment, for example, the test plan is created for a specific environment
Test Suite
The Test Suite is a listbox where you can map your test plan to an existing test suite. Once you map the test suite, all linked test cases will be automatically saved in the test plan.
Test plan custom field
The test plan custom field is derived from the configuration page, where we can update the custom field according to our requirements.
Video file for Creating new test plan
After selecting the test plan, you can view the existing test plan details. Additionally, upon selecting a test plan, you will be able to see the manual test cases associated with the linked test suite in that particular test plan. Furthermore, reports for the test plan are also accessible.
Please note that the 'Edit Test Plan' button is only available for admin users. Using this button, an admin user can update the custom attributes of the test plan, delete the test plan, and clone the test plan.
Video file for Select Test Plan
In the 'TEST CASES FOR EXECUTION' section, you can view the test cases associated with the selected test plan. In this table, you have the ability to execute manual test cases, update their status, and link any identified defects.
Once you expand the test case, you can access detailed information about the test case, including the ability to change the status at the step level.
In the expanded test case details section, after expanding the attachment section, you can upload the evidence.File size can be up to 5 MB
In the expanded section, you can also add comments if required.
To update the final status of the test case, you need to modify the status on the main test case row. After updating the status, click the "Update Test Execution Details" button, and the test execution details will be saved on the server.
In case of failure, you can link the failed test case to a defect. Initially, change the status to "Fail," and then click on the "Linked Defect" column. Subsequently, a "Link Defect" dialog will be displayed, allowing you to search for an existing defect in QAbunch. After locating the desired defect, click on the "Link" button, and the defect will be associated with the failed test case. To save this information, click on the 'Update Test Execution Details' button.
To unlink a defect, click again on the "Linked Defect" column. Subsequently, click on the "Unlink" button within the dialog window. This action will disconnect the defect, and to save the updated information, click on the 'Update Test Execution Details' button.
Video file for Test case Execution
Test plan reporting provides a 360-degree view of the test plan status, encompassing the following attributes:
Execution Summary
Execution Progress percetage
Total Defect in test Plan
Pass Fail or other status count based Component or Folder wise
Bar chart for Defect priority
Bar chart of Defect Status
Bar Chart for Executed by